Tag Archives: A Tale of Two Sisters

Asian Horror: The best in the world?

To get right to the point, I discovered why Asian horror is – at least in my opinion – the best in the world during my very first experience of an Asian horror film.  I went to see A Tale of Two Sisters at the cinema with a couple of friends.  It was one of those sought-after cinema experiences where there is barely anyone else in the screen and no one is eating smelly/noisy food…

I soon settled down into my seat and waited.  And I was scared.  I mean this film was creepy, unsettling and had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.  I kept imagining a creature crawling through the darkness of the cinema screen and appearing beside my chair.  Seeing this film really did open my mind to the wonder of Asian horror, and set me down a road of discovery.

Written for the London Horror Society, read the full post at http://londonhorrorsociety.co.uk/asian-horror-best-world/.